Stop using Excel to track your job applications. Seriously.

When I was looking for a job, I used Excel to track my applications. It was a mess. I built this app to help me keep track of my job applications. Now I'm sharing it with you. For free.

Screenshot of dashboard

Stay organized.

Stay organized with a calendar view of your job applications.


Stay informed.

Stay informed by looking at the statistics of your job applications.


Start today. It's free.

It might not be perfect, but it's free. And it's better than Excel.
Start now

Questions you might have

Is it free for real?

Yes. is 100% free. No ads. It is powered by donations only. You can consider donating if you find it useful, but it's not mandatory.

Is my data safe?

See our privacy policy TL;DR for more details.

I have another question.

You can reach out to me at [email protected].
Start the email by saying "Hi, I'm a bot" so I know you're probably not a bot: a bot would never say that. Maybe.