Privacy Policy


We don't sell your data to anyone.

Email address

1. For authentication, we ask for your email address and password. We use Google Firebase (privacy policy) to handle authentication. The email address is only stored in Google Firebase, not in our database. We don't have access to your password.
2. In the dashboard, there is a form for submitting feedbacks. You can submit a feedback anonymously. Optionally, you can provide your email address so we can contact you if we need more information. The email address is included in the email sent to us and is not stored in our database. We use Brevo (privacy policy) to send emails. To prevent spam, we limit the number of feedbacks that each account can provide every day. We store a hash of the email (not the actual email) in our database when a feedback is sent. We don't have access to the email address.

IP address

We use Cloudflare (privacy policy) to protect our website from attacks. Cloudflare may store your IP address and other information about your visit to our website. We don't have access to this information.
We use Google Tag Manager (privacy policy) to record events on our website. We use this information to improve our website. We don't have access to your IP address.

Job applications

We store the information you provide us about your job applications. We use AWS (privacy policy) to store this information.
We don't share this information with anyone else.